To embrace the transformation of Picard's Proxima growth plan, and to embody the company's new mission
"to constantly nourish the love of good food" in a more relational, commercial and omnichannel retail concept.
"Welcome to the Kitchen":
• To anchor Picard in the world of the kitchen, i.e. in the heart of the home, and to invent the codes of a proximity different from the rest of the market.
The main feature of the concept is its central multi-functional island, which serves as a retail reception area, a storage
and Click & Collect area, a checkout area and a shopping centre.
• Autres preuves : la façade plus commerçante, la mise en avant des engagements de la marque, la valorisation merchandising des familles stratégiques, une expérience phygitale avec Le Petit Ballon, une offre non alimentaire originale, du vrac et enfin des codes graphiques identitaires et propriétaires.
Strategy, architectural concept, customer journey and experience, graphic universe, technical development, project management
89 rue de Monceau
75008 PARIS